why is my electric fan not blowing air

Why Is My Electric Fan Not Blowing Air? 10 Troubleshooting Tips

Isn’t it frustrating when your electric fan just doesn’t seem to be blowing the right amount of air?

Trying to enjoy a cool breeze in the summertime, only to find out your electric fan isn’t blowing air? It can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to save energy.

If you’re like many of us, your electric fan is rarely blowing air. In fact, it might not be blowing at all!

Well, in this blog post we’ll be addressing 10 common problems with electric fans and how to fix them.

From why your fan isn’t spinning to why you can’t feel air flowing from the fan, we’ll be covering everything.

So if you’re having trouble with your electric fan, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

Why Is My Electric Fan Not Blowing Air?

Electric fans are a vital part of any home, and are especially helpful in cooling off during summer months. However, if your fan is not blowing air as it should, it could be due to one of the following problems: a blocked or clogged filter, low batteries, or broken blades.

If the fan is on and you can hear the motor running, but you can’t feel air moving inside the room, then it means that something inside the fan is broken.

As a rule of thumb, when the fan is turned on, it should create powerful airflow inside the room. If the fan is not working properly and has no airflow, then you would need to replace it.

The simplest reason is that the electric fan quit working because the blade was not balanced.  

There are two reasons why an electric fan will not run, one is that the blades are not balanced, and two is that one or more of the motor windings is burned out.

If it is not the electric winding, then you should check the capacitor also. You can check the fan motor by taking a reading across the capacitor.

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Here are some reasons why your electric fan might not be working or blowing air:

1. Blade is not spinning.

2. Fan motor is working.

3. The fan is plugged into an outlet and the circuit breaker is off.

4. The fan blade is grounded.

5. The fan is clogged.

6. The fan blade is dirty.

7. The fan blade is bent.

8. The fan blade is damaged.

9. The fan blade is loose.

10. The fan blade is installed correctly.

If you get a reading there it means the motor is getting power and the capacitor is good. If there is no reading at all the motor is burned out. You can take the capacitor out and take it to a motor shop or an electrician and have him check it with a capacitor meter for you. You can also buy an ohmmeter at a hardware store and you can check the motors windings to see whether they are burned out.

fixing fan blades

How To Fix An Electric Fan That Isn’t Blowing Air?

When it comes to electric fans, it’s important to keep them in good condition for optimum performance. Here are 10 troubleshooting tips that can help you fix an electric fan that isn’t blowing air:

1. Start by checking the power cord for breaks or damage.

2. Make sure the fan is plugged in on your electric outlet.

3. Check if your electric fan is turned on by pressing the power button.

4. If the problem is still not fixed, the motor might be broken. You can verify it by switching the motor on without the fan blades attached.

5. Before plugging it in again, look carefully at the prongs at the plug end of the cord. If one of the prongs looks bent or broken, straighten it out with a pair of needle-nose pliers.

6. Try resetting the fan by unplugging it and plugging it back in again.

7. If the fan appears to be working but isn’t blowing air, check for obstruction in the ductwork (usually caused by leaves or debris).

8. Check to see if the fan is properly installed.

9. If all of the above fail, consult a professional.

10. If all of these tips don’t work, it may be time to replace the fan.

So, if you’re experiencing any of the following problems with your fan, don’t hesitate to check out our troubleshooting tips for electric fans. They should help you get your fan back up and running in no time!

Why Can’t I feel air blowing from my electric fan?

If you’re not feeling air blowing from your electric fan, there could be a few reasons why this is the case.

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First and foremost, make sure the fan is plugged in and working properly. If the fan is plugged in and the blades are spinning, but you still don’t feel any air flow, there could be an obstruction between the fan and the air flow.

To check this, try moving the fan closer to an open window or door. If the fan still doesn’t work, the problem could be with the switch. To test this, turn off the fan by unplugging the power cord from the outlet and flipping the switch to the off position.

Finally, if all of the above fails to solve the issue, you might need to take the fan apart and clean it.

electric fan no air

Why Is My Electric Fan Not Blowing Air? FAQs

Should I clean my electric fan often?

It is always good to clean the fans, especially if they are dusty and dirty.

Cleaning them often will keep them free of contaminants that could damage them and wear out the motor faster. They may also collect dust and dirt that could damage the other components of your computer.

An electric fan performs better when cleaned often. It consumes less electricity and runs better and more quietly. 

Clean the blades and motor of your fan regularly with a dry cloth. Wipe the blades with a cloth dipped in a mild soap solution to remove the dirt. 

Ensure that the motor of your fan too is kept clean and dust free for a better performance. Also, clean the filter of your fan regularly.

What could be the reason why my electric fan is not blowing air?

One possible reason why your electric fan is not blowing air could be because of something obstructing the path of the blades. To check if this is the case, you can turn on the fan and see if air comes out from the spinning blades.

If the fan does not seem to be working at all, one of the more common causes may be clogged filters, broken belt or chain, or dirty bearings inside the motor.

In some cases, fans may not work due to no power at all. If everything else seems to be checked and there is still no luck, it’s possible that burnt out lightbulbs in the ceiling fan might be the culprit.

How can I troubleshoot the issue and solve it myself?

If you’re having problems with your electric fan, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the issue on your own. Here are some of the most common fan problems and how to fix them:

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1. The blades won’t turn: Check if your fan’s blade is stuck or if it’s not turning because of a lack of lubrication. To fix this, you’ll need to clean off all the dirt and dust with a can of compressed air before re-lubricating the motor using motor oil.

broken fan blades

2. There is no air flow: Check to see if the fan is blocked by furniture, wires, or other obstructions. If so, remove these objects and clean the fan using a can of compressed air.

3. The motor isn’t working: In some cases, the motor may just need to be replaced..

Is there anything that I can do to prevent this type of problem from happening in the future?

First, here are a few tips on how to troubleshoot your electric fan:

– Check if the switch is turned off – Make sure that the fan is plugged into an outlet and not simply switched on by mistake.

– Clean the blades of the fan – If dust, pet hair, or other debris has accumulated along their edge, it can cause resistance when spinning and eventually fail.

– Check for power shortages – Sometimes a faulty transformer or flat cable may be preventing your electric fan from functioning optimally.


If your electric fan is not blowing air, there is probably a problem with the fan blade. In this blog, we have listed and discussed the different fan blade problems and give you 10 troubleshooting tips to help you fix them. Make sure to read through the blog and apply the tips to fix your fan. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.