Why Does My Mug Press Smell

Why Does My Mug Press Smell? Shocking Reason!

We all have mugs inside our house, in the kitchen. Some of us love collecting mugs because of the designs of it, and I can tell that it is pretty addictive collecting mugs. I collect lots of mugs too with different designs.

However, even though we collect too many mugs, we have that one mug that is our favorite, which we use very often and it feels boring taking coffee if it is not our favorite mug we are using. 

Some of us here buy a plain mug and mug press so that we can design our mugs yourself inside our house. Even me. I have my own mug press at home, which me and my family use to design our plain mugs. It is great but there is one problem that mug press users experience, including me. The mug press smell! Why does it happen? Why does mug press smell? Let us find out!

Why does my mug press smell? The reason why your mug press smells is because you haven’t cleaned it properly. If your machine is old and used often, it can smoke a bit or release some funky smell. This means that you need to clean it. Mug presses can smell like fish because of burnt silicon and ink. 

Usually, when your mug press is used too much it can smell bad because of the heat. If it overheats because you use it for too many hours, it will release some smoke, which can smell bad too. That is why you must know when to stop using your mug press. Avoid making your mug press overheat because it can get broken too. 

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Today, we will talk about mug press. I will be telling you more about why your mug press smells so bad. I will also answer various questions related to our topic. Lastly, for those who don’t know what mug press is, I will explain it here later on. Let’s keep going!

Why Does My Mug Press Smell?

Like I have said above, the reason why your mug press smells is because you use it too much and it tends to smoke, which is the one you smell. 

If your mug press is older and well used, but is smoking a little bit or putting out some strange smell, your mug press needs to be cleaned. 

Your mug press can become dirty inside because of the paint and other materials used to design your lovely mug. 

Also, it depends where you place your mug press. If you place your mug press where something smells bad, the smell can attach to your mug press. 

Your mug press can also smell because you spill something into it. If you spill some vinegar or other things that do not smell so good, then your mug press tends to smell bad. 

Mug press is a machine and it is normal for a machine to smell. That is why it is essential that you clean your mug press regularly after using it. 

Also, avoid overusing your mug press because your mug press can overheat and release some smoke, which has a strong and bad smell. It can also destroy your mug press if you overuse it. 

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Do All Mug Presses Smell?

Yes! All mug presses can smell bad and you must get used to it if you want to continue to use your mug press. 

Mug presses can smell bad because it is a machine and almost all machines smell bad when they are in use. Also, mug press can smell bad if it is new because of burnt silicon. It can wear off after 50-100 presses or so. 

What Does Mug Press Do?

For those who don’t know what mug press is, then this is the section you should be reading because I will tell you what mug presses do. 

The mug press is a mug-shaped version of Cricut’s other heat press. It is designed to perfectly wrap around the outside of a mug and heat both infusable ink sheets and design drawn infusable ink markers. It is basically used to design your lovely plain mug. 

Final Words

Your mug press can smell bad when in use. Also, mug press can smell bad if it is new because of the burnt silicon. Old mug press can smell too if you do not clean it regularly. It is essential for you to clean your mug press to avoid it from producing a bad smell.