Are you there, mirror? It seems like lately we’ve been talking a lot about you. Whether it’s complaining about your unflattering shape or trying to convince yourself that you’re actually fine, it’s clear that mirrors have taken on a bit of a negative connotation in our society.
But before you start cursing your reflection for making you feel bad about yourself, take a deep breath and read on – because here are five ridiculous myths about mirrors that you should stop worrying about.
Firstly, let’s dispel the myth that mirrors make you look bigger – research has consistently shown that mirrors have no effect on body weight.
Next, let’s talk about those pesky “mirror myths” – the distorted views of body image that often seem to plague us all. Turns out, these thoughts aren’t grounded in fact at all!
For example, the myth that mirrors make you see what you really look like all the time is completely false – in reality, we tend to view ourselves most accurately in natural light.
To learn more about these surprising myths, we have detailed them in this blog post. Continue reading to find out more about why your mirror makes you look fat.

Why Do Mirrors Make You Look Bigger: 5 Reasons
Mirrors can be a source of anxiety for many people. Why? Because they make you look bigger! But that’s not really what’s happening.
Mirrors reflect the real you back to people, and this can sometimes make you look bigger.
In reality, you’re not getting fat – your body is just reflecting the weight that’s on your frame. And if you’re looking to slim down, don’t expect mirrors to suddenly make you skinny – all they do is amplify the features that are already there.
So, instead of worrying about your mirror making you look fat, focus on taking care of your body and eating nutritious foods that will reflect in your mirror. That’s the real you – and that’s all that matters!
But, there are moments that our mirrors became very unrealistic to look at. When you feel like you are skinny, and something was off in your reflection, then maybe there really is something wrong with your mirror.
Here are 5 reasons why your mirror might make you feel or look bigger in the reflection:
1- Your mirror is curved
Mirrors can be a real trouble-maker when it comes to your appearance. Not only do they distort our image, but you should avoid using them at all costs in the bedroom – this is especially important if you’re trying to lose weight.
For people with shorter arms or those who are very slim, mirrors often don’t reflect their entire body accurately. This can make them look larger on one side of the body and smaller on the other – which isn’t flattering at all!
When looking in a mirror, try standing far away from it (on either side) so that direct sunlight doesn’t reflect off it and give you an oversized appearance. And for heaven’s sake don’t stand next to a window while applying makeup!
2- It is in the lighting conditions
When you are in a brightly lit room, your eyes adjust and reflect the light back onto your face. This is why it’s often advised to avoid looking in mirrors during daytime as this will make you look more inflated than usual!
If there is a strong light coming from a side mirror, it can actually make you look bigger. Shiny surfaces also cause an increase in self-esteem – making people feel better about themselves – which is why many mirrors have a coating to reduce reflection.
When direct sunlight shines on your face, it makes you look even more inflated than normal! Putting something between yourself and the mirror (like wearing sunglasses) will reduce the reflection and minimizes the appearance of size exaggeration.
3- Your mirror is an age-old one
Mirrors have been used for centuries to help people understand their own features and behavior. Though some might think of mirrors as merely decorative objects, they are actually an age-old tool that can be very helpful in weight loss.
When you look into a mirror, you see yourself as you really are – not how you want to look or what others expect of you. This is because your image is reflected back to your body in the same location it occupies on the outside world (usually close to where your head and eyes would be).
Because this happens fairly often, it’s easy for us to get accustomed to seeing our image this way and start treating ourselves like a camera! And since we tend not to consciously recognize when we’re looking at ourselves from an upward angle (which makes us appear slimmer), most of us unknowingly do it all the time!
So next time someone compliments how slim they look in their latest outfit, try commenting on how good they looked down instead!
4- Maybe the bad thing is your own perception
If you’re having a hard time accepting your body image, looking at mirrors can be really damaging.
According to research, when people view themselves in a mirror from a distance, they tend to think they are bigger than they actually are. This distorted perception creates anxiety and often leads people to feel worse about their own looks.
Wearing clothes that fit correctly can help take the focus off of your body shape and instead put it on the outfit itself – giving you an accurate reflection of how it looks on you. If mirrors accurately reflect size, then this will reduce anxiety and encourage self-love!
5- The mirrors are titled
It’s no secret that mirrors can be a bit deceiving when it comes to how you look. When you stand up straight in the mirror, for example, your brain interprets what it sees as reality and you end up perceiving yourself as being larger than usual. This is because our brains are programmed to assign more significance to appearances from an elevated perspective.
Wearing clothing that makes you look bigger in the mirror also contributes to this illusion – since clothes usually reflect body weight rather than size on the whole.
Similarly, make-up will enlarge pores and magnify wrinkles, making us appear older than we actually are!
So if you want to avoid looking big in mirrors or feeling self-conscious about your weight – get used to habituating yourself by viewing yourself from an angle instead!

Different Types of Mirror
Most people have some sort of irrational fear about mirrors – whether it’s that a broken or dirty mirror makes them look fat or that wearing makeup in the morning will miraculously make them thinner.
The reality is that mirrors just give you an accurate depiction of what’s directly in front of them.
So, if you feel like you don’t look your best in the mirror, there’s nothing you can do to change that. However, there are a few different types of mirrors out there, each of which can give you a different view of your reflection.
For example, a front-facing mirror will show you what’s going on in your front-view, while a side-view mirror will show you what’s going on from the side.
Additionally, mirrors come in different sizes and shapes, so be sure to select the one that’s right for your space. And lastly, remember that mirrors aren’t magic mirrors that can help you erase all of your flaws – they just give you a better understanding
Can Mirrors Make You Look Different?
Mirrors can be a confusing thing. Some people believe that they can make you look different – thinner, taller, slimmer.
This isn’t actually true – mirrors only reflect what’s in front of them. If you’re worried about your reflection, using a mirror to check your makeup is a good way to start.
However, the most common myth about mirrors is that they cause weight gain – this isn’t true either!
So, don’t let mirrors make you paranoid – they’re just there to help you see yourself in a more accurate way.
5 Myths Your Mirror Makes You Look Fat
Bustling life, stress, and time constraints can all lead to weight gain and body image issues. But don’t worry! There are five myths your mirror is likely contributing to, and they’re all completely false.
Myth #1: You look fat in the mirror because you are fat.
You look fat in the mirror because you are fat. I’m kidding, although you might be surprised to hear that mirrors aren’t the cause of your supposed weight gain. According to research, the mirror doesn’t make you look fat, it simply makes you aware of your body and that’s why you look fat.
This psychological phenomenon is called the mirror illusion. When you look at your reflection in the mirror, you see your body from a different angle, one that’s unfamiliar to you because you’re not used to seeing yourself from that angle.
Additionally, your brain is trained to recognize your body from your perspective and is only used to seeing you from that view, which is why you recognize the extra weight.
The mirror illusion is also why you look fatter when you hold your hands up in front of you. It’s not the mirror that makes you look fat, it’s your brain.
Myth #2: Your mirror doesn’t do a good job at making you look thick.
The fact is, it doesn’t. Mirrors don’t make you look fat. Really, they don’t. It’s not a conspiracy of some sort or some hidden agenda to make you feel down about yourself.
It’s a simple optical illusion that happens to everyone and can be explained with science.
The reason for this illusion is that you’re seeing yourself from a 3D perspective, but a mirror is able to only reflect a 2D representation of yourself. Just like how a piece of paper can be folded in half front to back, but not top to bottom.
Myth #3: You only look fat in the mirror, not in real life.
You’ve heard this one before. The idea is that you look heavier in the mirror than you do in real life.
This myth is kind of tricky as there has been a debate on whether it’s a fact or it’s a lie.
This myth is a fact if:
This is because mirrors have a glossy finish, which makes you look fatter, and because of the weird angles they show you at. In real life, you don’t notice that the mirror makes you look heavy.

This myth is a lie if:
There are a lot of body image issues going around these days, but one of the most common is that you don’t look as fat in the mirror as you do in real life.
Truth is, the mirror isn’t lying to you. It really is harder to unpack that extra weight on your body when you see it in the mirror versus in real life. Why?
The same reason you can’t tell if you have a pimple on your face until you look in the mirror. The mirror is a very accurate representation of your body. It doesn’t lie, but it also doesn’t make you look fatter than you actually are.
Myth #4: Mirrors don’t lie.
A recent study conducted by researchers has recently revealed a startling discovery: mirrors are actually lying to us. The study, published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal, reveals that mirrors are conspiring against us, and have been leading us to believe that we are thinner than we actually are.
Researchers found that when people look at themselves in a mirror, they see the areas that they are most likely to be self-critical about as being thinner than they actually are. As a result, this leads to a false perception that they are thinner than they really are.
Myth #5: The mirror makes you look fatter than your friends.
The Myth: When you look at yourself in the mirror, you’ll instantly look fatter than what your friends see. The Reality: Is it really true? If it is, why don’t we all look fatter than what’s reflected on the mirror?
The truth is, it’s not true. However, there are cases where people look a little bit thinner than what they see in their mirror. This is usually caused by the fact that people focus more on their own reflection than that of others.
The differences in the eyes’ focal points are the key reasons for this myth, which is also supported by the fact that when looking at your own reflection, your eyes are about 25% closer to your face than normal.
Conclusion: You might be surprised to learn what actually makes you look fatter in the mirror.
In fact, being in a mirror can actually make you feel insecure about your body and fat. Research has shown that looking at ourselves in the mirror has a negative impact on our eating habits – it tricks our brains into thinking we’re actually eating food.
This is why it’s important to minimize mirror time when you don’t have to, and instead focus on healthier, more fulfilling activities like exercising.
Additionally, standing in front of a mirror all day won’t do anything but cause frustration and negative body image.
The best way to stay away from these problems is to avoid looking at mirrors when you don’t have to, and focus on nurturing your body with nutritious foods and healthy habits.
Do mirrors make people look thinner?
Mirrors do not make people look thinner, as this is one of the most common and pervasive myths out there.
Mirrors merely show you how you look from a certain perspective. There are many factors that can affect how you look in a mirror, such as your skin tone, hairstyle, makeup, clothing etc.

In this blog, we have debunked 5 common myths about mirrors and their effects on your body image. By understanding the reasons behind these myths, you can start to break the cycle of self-consciousness and body dissatisfaction.
Plus, by knowing the different types of mirrors and how they work, you can make the most out of your mirror without worrying about how you look.
So, next time you’re in the bathroom mirror, don’t be afraid to challenge some of these baseless beliefs!