Why Does My Hair Dryer Buzz When I Plug It In

Why Does My Hair Dryer Buzz When I Plug It In? This Is Why!

A hair dryer is one of the most important things inside our bedrooms because this is the one we go to if we need to dry our hair fast. We use this if we are already late at school, work, or outing. It is not good to look like a wet dog when we go outside of our house. Right? That is why hair dryers were invented. 

We all use a hair dryer and we experienced multiple problems with the hair dryer. One of the common problems I usually experience with my hair dryer is the buzz thing. Sometimes, my hair dryer buzzes when I plug it in and I don’t know the reason why. But I have researched this and asked some experts. Now, I will be sharing with you the possible reason why your hair dryer buzzes!

Why does my hair dryer buzz when I plug it in? The reason why your hair dryer buzz when you plug it in is because your hair dryer usually draws about 1200 watts but sometimes more. It is a voltage issue. It means that your outlet cannot handle your hair dryer. However, you still must check your hair dryer because maybe it’s because your hair dryer is too old to run. 

You must still check on your hair dryer because maybe it’s not the outlet that has problems. Old hair dryers will buzz if you plug them in. It means that your hair dryer is too old. You must troubleshoot it for you to know the real problem. 

Today, we will talk about hair dryers. Let me explain to you more about why your hair dryer buzz when you plug it in. Also, I will be answering various questions related to our subject. Let us move on and learn more about hair dryers!

Why Does My Hair Dryer Buzz When I Plug It In?

The reason why your hair dryer buzz when you plug it in is because your hair dryer is too old to run or there is some issue inside the motor of your hair dryer. 

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The other possible reason why your hair dryer buzzes when you plug it in is that there is a shortage in your outlet. It means that your outlet cannot support the watts your hair dryer needs. 

To know the reason why your hair dryer buzzes when you plug it in, you must do some troubleshooting. 

You can troubleshoot it easily by plugging your hair dryer into a different outlet and checking if it buzzes. If your hair dryer does not buzz in another outlet, then it means the first outlet where your hair dryer buzz is the problem. 

However, if your hair dryer is not buzzing before and it starts to buzz and after trying it to other outlets and the results are the same, you must get a new hair dryer because probably, your hair dryer is the issue. When this happens, your hair dryer might be too old or has some problems inside. 

You must plug your hair dryer for too long if it buzzes. Your hair dryer might overheat and explode right on your face or hair! 

If you don’t know or are scared to troubleshoot your hair dryer, go get an expert that knows well about electricity. Doing this is much safer than doing it by yourself. I suggest you get two hair dryers so that you have another one just in case the first one starts not working. 

Can A Hair Dryer Explode?

Yes! Your hair dryer can explode. If you overuse your hair dryer and it overheats, chances are high for your hair dryer to explode. 

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If your hair dryer explodes, your whole house can be in danger. If your hair dryer buzzes when you plug it in and you keep it plugged even if it is buzzing, this can be one of the reasons for your hair dryer to explode. 

If you don’t want your hair dryer to explode, make sure to use it correctly and do not overuse it. If it is hot already, unplug it and give it time to rest before using it again.

How Do I Stop My Hair Dryer From Buzzing?

Now that you know that there is a high risk for your hair dryer to overheat and explode when it starts to buzz, you might be thinking about how to prevent it. Right? Well, preventing it is very easy. I have two tips for you to prevent your hair dryer from buzzing.

The first thing that you can do to stop or prevent your hair dryer from buzzing is to avoid overusing your hair dryer. When you usually overuse your hair dryer, the life of your hair dryer will not last long enough. 

If it seems that your hair dryer is too old to use, your hair dryer will not run or will start to buzz. This might lead to overheating or worse, explosion. 

The second thing you can do to prevent your hair dryer from buzzing is to make sure that all of your outlets inside your house can support the watts your hair dryer needs. Hair dryers usually need 1200 watts. However, some hair dryers require more. 

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I suggest you buy two hair dryers with different watts. By doing this, you can identify what hair dryer works for your outlet. Also, I suggest you buy an extra hair dryer just in case your first hair dryer gets broken or is too old to run. 

Can A Hair Dryer Overheat?

Yes! Hair dryers can overheat and worse, they can explode. When you overuse your hair dryer and forget to unplug it or turn it off, it may overheat and if it gets very hot, it will explode. That is why you need to turn off your hair dryer after using it and unplug it. Also, if it buzzes, don’t use it already. 

Final Words

The reason why your hair dryer buzzes when you plug it is that your hair dryer is having some issues or because of the outlet that you are using. I suggest troubleshooting your hair dryer when this happens so that you can properly fix the problem. Also, I suggest you have two hair dryers in your house. Just in case the one broke, you still have another one.