Why Does My Electric Fan Smell Like It's Burning

Why Does My Electric Fan Smell Like It’s Burning? This Is Why!

The electric fan is one of the most important things inside our lovely house. When the heat is active, we all need an electric fan to cool our bodies. There are different types or styles of electric fans and all of the styles are being bought by people. If our electric fan gets broken, we are in danger especially if it’s summer. 

Our electric fan inside our house can have many problems. One of the common problems homeowners are experiencing is their electric fan smell like it’s burning. Why is this happening? Why does your electric fan smell like it’s burning? Let us find out!

Why does my electric fan smell like it’s burning? If your electric fan smells like it’s burning, your electric fan is probably overheating. The fan motor and other parts of your electric fan need to cool down first before investigating. If your electric fan smells like it’s burning, avoid breathing the plastic or paint and walk away from your fan for several minutes. 

Today, we will talk about electric fans and why your electric fan smells like it’s burning. I will be giving you more reasons why this is happening on your electric fan. Also, I will be answering various questions related to our subject and I will give you helpful tips so that you can avoid your electric fan from smelling like it’s burning. If you are ready, let us move on!

Why Does My Electric Fan Smell Like It’s Burning?

If something is smelling like it’s burning, then there is something that is overheating. This is very dangerous. That is why you must spot where that smell comes from. If you are too late to spot where that smell comes from, that thing that smells like it’s burning can explode and burn your house. 

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This can happen to your electric fan, any type of electric fan. But why is this happening to your electric fan? What is the cause why your electric fan smells like it’s burning? Let us find out!

Faulty electrical wiring can cause a burning smell on your electric fan. If the circuit breaker controlling your electric fan tripped when the smell started to happen then there is an electrical issue. Your electric fan might spark when this happens. 

If your electric fan works poorly and smells like it’s burning, then it means that you overused your electric fan. This can happen if you use your electric fan 24/7. That is why it is essential to turn off your electric fan if you are not using it. Your electric fan might explode.

Your electric fan smells like it’s burning because it is dirty. An electric fan that is dirty will push the dirt from the shaft into the bearings. Dirt in the bearings causes the motor of your electric fan to be slowed down which causes the windings to heat up. If it gets too hot, your electric fan might be on fire! You must disassemble your electric fan and clean it up regularly. 

Is It Normal For New Fans To Smell Like Burning?

Yes! This can happen for new electric fans too. Your new electric fan might smell like it’s burning due to factory defects or overuse. 

Like I have said above, your electric fan can get overheated if you overuse it, which can happen to both new and used electric fans. If your electric fan is new and you abuse it, it can get broken in just a week or two. 

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However, your electric fan can smell like it’s burning due to factory defects, which you should tell the store. When this happens, ask for a replacement, but only if your new electric fan has a warranty. 

Do Fans Get Overheated? 

Yes! Your electric fan can get overheated. It can get overheated if you overuse and abuse it. That is why your electric fan needs to have some breaks. If you are not using it, turn it off. This will save electricity and the life of your electric fan. However, if you need an electric fan 24/7, make sure you have another electric fan as a replacement so that if the other one is having a break, you can use the other one. 

Can Fans Burn And Explode? 

Yes! Electric fans can burn and explode. This can happen if you overuse your electric fan, it has a factory defect, or if you don’t clean your electric fan. 

Your electric fan should have some breaks. You should also check and test your electric fan at the store before bringing it home. Also, you should make sure that you clean your electric fan regularly to avoid dust getting inside the motor and bearings. 

If your electric fan starts to smell like it’s burning, turn it off and unplug it. However, if it has a fire already, you should call the nearest fire station immediately to avoid your house getting burned. 

How To Avoid Your Electric Fan From Smelling Like It’s Burning?

This kind of smell is very irritating and unhealthy for us and our pets. That is why if your electric fan starts to smell like it’s burning, you should turn it off. However, why would you wait for that to happen if you can prevent it? Prevention is better than cure. Right? Let me give you tips that you can apply to avoid your electric fan from smelling like it’s burning. 

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To avoid your electric fan from smelling like it’s burning, you should make sure that your electric fan is getting enough breaks. Turn your electric fan off if you are not using it. However, if you need an electric fan all the time, you must have another one so that you can use your other electric fan while the other one is resting. 

Next, you need to clean your electric fan regularly. The dust can get inside the motor and bearings of your electric fan, which might cause overheating. If your electric fan overheats, your electric fan might smell like it’s burning, and if not prevented, it can explode. 

Check your electric fan first before bringing it into your house. The electric fan might have a factory defect, which can make your electric fan smell like it’s burning. However, if you already checked and tested it but it still smells like it’s burning after two or five days, bring it back to the store and ask for a replacement. 

Final Words

The reason why your electric fan smells like it’s burning is that your electric fan is overheating. This is the only reason why. If this happens, turn off your electric fan and wait for it to cool down before inspecting. You should prevent your electric fan from smelling like it’s burning before it gets worse!