Why Does My Bathroom Mirror Fog Up

Why Does My Bathroom Mirror Fog Up? The Truth!

When you are taking a shower, you probably notice sometimes that your bathroom mirror and other types of glass inside your bathroom fog up. This also happens to me. This happens to me when I am using warm or hot water for bathing. However, some of you who are here probably don’t know the reason why your bathroom mirror fogged up. So, let us find out!

Why does my bathroom mirror fog up? Your bathroom mirror fog up because the steam condenses on the mirror. Steam emerging from the hot water you are using can condense on a colder surface. That is why you often see your bathroom mirror fog up when you are using warm or hot water for bathing.

It is perfectly normal. However, you may want to look at yourself after you finish bathing inside your shower. Or it becomes frustrating to walk inside your bathroom after someone has taken a bath and you cannot see the mirror. Even me, I hate it if my bathroom mirror fog up because I cannot check my face after bathing or before bathing. 

Today, we will check out the different reasons why your bathroom mirror fog up. Also, I will teach you how to keep your bathroom mirrors from fogging up. I will also answer various questions related to our topic, which you can also learn from it.

So, if you are ready to learn more about your bathroom, let us dive in. Let us start first by checking the reason why your bathroom mirror fog up. 

What Causes Your Bathroom Mirror To Fog Up?

The reason why your bathroom mirror fog up is because of condensation. 

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When you use hot or warm water when you shower, the air becomes saturated with moisture and water vapors. This increases the temperature of the air in the bathroom.

The temperature of the mirror becomes significantly lower than the temperature of the air in the bathroom, which is why the warm air condenses on the mirror’s surface and the mirror becomes fogged up. 

That is why when you take a shower you end up with a misty mirror and a cloudy image. The steam condenses on cold objects inside your bathroom. However, it can be seen more in your bathroom mirror.

How To Keep Your Bathroom Mirror From Fogging Up?

No one likes to face a fogging mirror after showering. If you try to wipe the fog away on the mirror using your hands, it only pushes the water droplets to the sides and the image becomes only slightly clearer. 

Yes! You are right! There are some ways that you can apply to avoid your bathroom mirror from fogging up. After reading these tips, try using this and I assure you, you will be happy with the results!

Rub Soap On Your Bathroom Mirror

This is the easiest way to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up while you are showering. Before showering, take your soap and rub it gently on your bathroom mirror. 

Cover the entire surface of the bathroom mirror and don’t press too hard or you will be left with a distorted mirror image. The best way to execute this is by taking a damp microfiber cloth and rubbing the soap on that cloth. 

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Run Cold Water Before Using The Hot Water

Next, you can run cold water before using the hot water. You can do this if you have no time to layer soap on your bathroom mirror. 

Run the cold water before the hot or warm water. When hot vapors come in contact with the surface of the cold bathroom mirror, fog happens as a result of condensation. 

If you run cold water for 10-30 seconds before turning on your hot shower, the bathroom surfaces will remain cool and will prevent fog from forming for a little while. 

However, this only works if you take short showers or half baths. If you have a small bathroom, your mirror will fog up faster compared to a larger one so you may want to lengthen the time you spend running cold water based on your bathroom size. 

Shampoo Your Mirror

You can also shampoo your mirror. Place a small amount of shampoo on a paper towel or cloth and rub it on your bathroom mirror. After that, you can rub off the excess shampoo from the surface with a clean paper towel. 

Wipe your bathroom mirror until it is completely dry to avoid having a blurred reflection. You can also use shaving foam or toothpaste instead of shampoo. 

Cool Your Bathroom

One of the easiest ways you can do this is by cooling down the bathroom’s temperature. You can open your bathroom window so that cooler air can enter to prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up. 

How To Get Rid Of Fog On A Mirror?

What if you already have fog on your bathroom mirror? What should you do? Here is what you should do!

  • Use a cloth dipped in vinegar to clean the surface of the mirror. 
  • Never use multi-purpose cleaners on your bathroom mirror. You must instead use shaving foam to clean your fogged-up bathroom mirror. 
  • Dip your cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe the fog off with it. 
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When you will wipe your bathroom mirror, you must always use a soft cotton or microfiber cloth to keep it from scratching the surface. Avoid using abrasive materials like paper towels. 

Why Does Your Mirror Fog Up When You Breathe On It?

As a kid, you probably have played with your bathroom mirror or another type of mirror. You probably breathe on a mirror to create a condensed area to draw or write on. You are probably wondering why this happens. Well, this is the reason why!

The air coming out of your mouth or nose is warm and full of water vapor. The higher the air temperature, the more water vapor it can hold. When the warm air from our mouths touches the cooler surface of the mirror, the air temperature cools and moisture condenses the air into droplets. 

To conclude, the fog that forms on the mirror is the condensed moisture that comes out from your breath. 

Final Words

The reason why your bathroom mirror fog up is because of condensation. Since the temperature of the mirror becomes significantly lower than the temperature of the air in the bathroom, the warm air condenses on the mirror’s surface and the mirror becomes fogged up. If you don’t like this from happening, there are things you can do that I listed above.