Why Do My Clothes Smell Like Pee After Washing

Why Do My Clothes Smell Like Pee After Washing? The Truth!

We often wash our clothes to make them look clean and smell good so that when we go outside of our house, we can make a good impression on strangers. Remember this, if you smell good and your clothes look good, people will have some respect for you. 

Also, if your clothes or you smell good, you can attract the opposite sex. All of us want to smell something good. We don’t want something bad to enter our noses. Right? If the other person, let us say on the bus, does not smell good, we usually try to switch seats if we have a chance. Right? This is because it hurts our noses if we smell something bad. 

However, there is one problem some of us are having. Our clothes must be clean and smell good after washing but for some of us, this is not the result after washing our clothes. Some people, including me, have clothes that smell like pee after washing them. 

What is the reason behind this? Is it the clothes? Is it soap? Is it the washing machine? What is the reason why your clothes smell like pee after washing? Let us find out!

Why do my clothes smell like pee after washing? The reason why your clothes smell like pee is that you leave your wet clothes in the washer for more than two hours before you dry or hang them up. This is a big no! You should never leave your wet clothes in the washer for more than two hours! Finish your laundry first before doing something else!

However, aside from that reason, there are other reasons why your clothes smell like pee after washing them, which we will talk about in this article later on. 

Why Do My Clothes Smell Like Pee After Washing?

The first reason your clothes smell like pee after washing is that you leave your clothes in the washer for more than two hours before you dry them or hang them up. 

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The second reason why your clothes smell like pee after washing is because of your washing machine. You should keep the door open when your washing machine is not in use. Also, use a washing machine cleaner tablet according to the instructions to sanitize your washing machine. 

The odor of your washing machine from the last wash stuck inside your washing machine. The odor is from the gasket at the lower front so you can verify the smell easily. 

The third reason why your clothes smell like pee after washing is because the clothes you wash have some pee on them and you did not use enough soap or water to remove the smell from your clothes. Remember this, the more clothes you put inside your washing machine, the more laundry soap you need to put to make your clothes clean and smell nice. 

Does Human Urine Smell Go Away Over Time?

Urine stains are not hard to remove. However, the smell does not. Whether the urine comes from humans or pets, the smell can last long, even if the actual stain was removed already. 

The reason why urine smells cling for a long time on your clothes is because of what urine is made of. Urine is 95% water, which is why the stain itself can be removed easily with soap and water. 

However, the other part of urine contains acid, which makes the smell cling for a long time. Uric acid is a substance that is formed as the body breaks down certain foods and beverages. It also causes urine to have an odor because it forms salt deposits that can be left behind on surfaces even when the stain is removed. 

The salts do not have an odor as long as they remain dry, which is why you might be thinking that the urine odor is gone after cleaning a urine stain. When the stained area becomes wet or exposed to humidity, the uric acid salts will release odor again. 

Yes! Urine smell can diminish on its own over time. However, I still suggest you wash your clothes immediately if it has peed on them. Use a strong laundry soap or products that can neutralize the urine salts and odor. 

Can You Remove Urine Smell From Clothes?

Yes! Urine smell is one of the toughest smells to remove from clothes. However, it is possible to remove it even though the smell is strong. 

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You can remove the urine smell from your clothes by using the right products. Mild laundry detergents usually are not strong enough to remove the urine smell because they lack the powerful cleaning agents needed to break down the odor-causing uric acid. 

When you wash urine-stained clothes, you need to use a special laundry detergent that was formulated to remove strong odors. You can find it in stores online. 

How To Remove The Urine Smell From Your Clothes?

Right now, I will be teaching you some ways that you can use to remove the urine smell from your clothes. 

If the urine stain is fresh, you have to remove the urine with a paper towel. This will help stain removal easier because there will be less stain that needs to be removed. 

If the urine smell has been there for a while, you’re not going to be able to remove it just by blotting it. You should start using some products to remove the smell and the stain. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a common household odor neutralizer. We all have used this to remove odor from our house. Baking soda works perfectly for fresh urine stains. It is good for absorbing urine that can’t be absorbed just by blotting the area. However, it may not work on older urine stains. 

After you blot the stain, put baking soda over the wet area. Use a scrub brush or toothbrush to work the baking soda into the clothing fibers. Let the baking soda sit on your clothes for several hours overnight. Dust off the baking soda then washes the clothes to remove any baking soda and the rest of the stain.


Bleach is one of the most effective products that you can use to remove the urine smell from your clothes. Bleach is a base. It means that it can neutralize the uric acid that leaves behind the stain. However, bleach can be dangerous both for you and your clothes. You must use bleach carefully and properly and make sure to follow the instructions on how to use it. 

You can remove the urine smell using bleach by putting in water with bleach and soaking the clothes that have a urine smell and leaving it there for three hours. After that, wash your clothes to remove the excess urine stains. 

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Next is vinegar. Vinegar is very effective at removing the urine smell from your clothes if the smell has dried or been there for a long time. Vinegar is good for removing both human and pet urine. 

In a bucket, mix one cup of distilled white vinegar with one gallon of water. Place the clothes into the vinegar and water and soak them for several hours overnight. Wash your clothes after in the washing machine adding one cup of vinegar instead of detergent. Lastly, wash the clothes using hot water unless the care tag says not to do so. 

Air Dry

After washing your clothes that have urine, it is best to let them air-dry. I prefer outside your house where the sun is out. Air-drying the fabric will help remove any lingering odors as the fabric dries and give you an idea of whether or not the odor has been truly removed. 

Is It Bad If Your Clothes Smell Like Pee After Washing?

If your clothes smell like pee after washing, this can be irritating because you have to wash your clothes again. 

Yes! It is bad if your clothes smell like pee after washing. This means that your laundry soap or your washing machine has problems. 

If this happens to you, you must check your washing machine and clean it if it is the washing machine that makes your clothes smell like pee after washing. 

Also, I suggest you buy strong products that can remove urine from your clothes. Do not buy mild laundry products. Use strong products if you want the urine smell and stain to be removed from your clothes. 

Final Words

The reason why your clothes smell like pee after washing is because you left your clothes inside the washing machine for hours before you dry or hang them up. Your clothes can also smell like pee after washing if you did not clean your washing machine well last time you use it. You have to clean your washing machine every time after using it.