Why Do My Chandelier Bulbs Keep Blowing

Why Do My Chandelier Bulbs Keep Blowing? This Is Why!

If your chandelier bulbs keep blowing, it’s important to figure out why, as it can result in something harmful and dangerous. 

Why Do My Chandelier Bulbs Keep Blowing? Experiencing sudden bulb blowouts is not fun. But what exactly causes it? A bulb tends to blow off due to a defect in the bulb or even electrical issues as a result of voltage issues. 

Most of the time, fixing the blowout issue means replacing the bulb with LED lights. But, worry not, if you still prefer regular bulbs over LED, there are certain measures you can take to figure out the reason behind it and fix the issue effectively. 

Today’s article will discuss some of the common reasons behind your chandelier bulb blowing and what you can do to fix the issue. 

Why Do Bulbs Blow?

If you have purchased some cheap incandescent bulbs, chances are they may blow before any other bulb. This is mainly due to the chemical and material composition of the bulb being thinner than usual. 

Hence, any surges in electrical current can cause the bulb to blow. But, there are also other issues, such as a wobbly holder or loose connection that makes bulbs blow. 

When To Tell When A Light Bulb Has Blown?

There are various events that may occur when a bulb is blown. First of all, you’ll have to understand that a blown bulb will often cause the lighting circuit of your house to trip. This means you’ll have to reset the circuit either through the breaker box or the fuse box. 

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When your chandelier starts tripping on MCB, it signals that the bulb may be getting weak. Hence, the connection becomes too loose that it cannot hold the bulb anymore. Eventually, this will lead to overheating, and your bulb will likely end up blowing. 

6 Reasons Your Chandelier Bulb Constantly Blows

When it comes to your bulb blowing, there are several factors that contribute to the issue, and at times, these are common issues that are often overlooked. 

Here are 6 reasons why your chandelier bulb constantly blows: 

1. Loose Connections 

Loose connections often cause bulbs to start flickering, making it appear as though they’re wearing out or about to blow. So, always make sure the bulbs are screwed tightly into their sockets.

If the issue continues to arise, it likely means your connection issue may be related to the wiring of the fixture. If you have enough expertise, you can try replacing the fixture or the entire fixture to resolve the issue.

2. Cheap Light Bulbs

Cheap bulbs are also a contributing factor to early and frequent blowouts in bulbs. As it tends to be of lower quality, the bulbs have very short longevity.

So, if your bulb is constantly blowing, it may just be a case of a cheap bulb. Hence, it’s essential to invest in a high-quality bulb to ensure you’re getting the most extended durability from the product. Instead of regular bulbs, you can always try LEDs, which are more efficient and reliable.

3. High Voltage 

The voltage that powers your home may be much higher than the normal output. This will end up causing the bulb to burn brighter & hotter, which in turn shortens the lifespan of the bulb.

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If high voltage is what you’re suspecting for blown bulbs, it is highly recommended to have it checked via a voltage tester. You may call any residential or professional electrician. 

4. Bad Vibrations 

As the placement of chandeliers is typically attached on top, the fixture vibration may be a contributing culprit in affecting the status of the bulb. When vigorous or frequent movement occurs, it may disrupt the bulb’s filament, thus, causing it to burn quicker.

One solution to this issue is to search for bulbs with “rough service” labeling. It has heavy-duty filaments that are specifically built to resist vibration. Switching to an LED bulb can also bring a similar effect.

5. Incorrect Wattage 

Using the incorrect wattage bulb can also result in blown bulbs. So, make sure to use the right type of bulb. You can always inspect the fixture level to know the amount of wattage the bulb can safely handle.

Similar to the voltage issue, if a bulb contains too much wattage, it can burn too hot and fast, thus, resulting in a quick-blown bulb. Using the wrong bulb type can also create other safety issues, such as melted insulation. So, make sure to always read the label carefully and use the correct bulb type.

6. Electricity Arcs 

This is another common issue relating to blown-out bulbs. When the bottom area of the bulb doesn’t connect fully with the socket, it creates an electric arc between the areas, which results in excess heat. In such cases, it’s always preferred to call the electrician for any repair.

However, you can always unplug the fixture and inspect the bottom metal tab yourself before placing the call. If it’s flat, you can use pliers, a popsicle stick, or even your fingers to raise it, which can help improve the connection.

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What To Do When Bulbs Continuously Blow?

If you’re constantly facing blown bulb issues, there are several areas you can look up to find out where the problem is arising from. Since blown bulbs are both inconvenient and dangerous, it’s important to prevent the issue before any major electrical hazards happen. 

That said, when you find your bulbs continuous blowing, you can check:

  • The Bulb Holder: Along with the bulb holder, check for wire connections that hold the bulb together as well. If these connections appear loose, wobbly, or worn out, make sure to either fix them or stop using them altogether. 
  • The Spring Loaded Connector: This portion of the bulb is located within the bulb holder. If it is found to be faulty, refrain from using it as it can result in a blown bulb. 
  • Bulb model and brand: Always make sure to invest in quality bulbs instead of cheap models as this can increase durability, which prevents the bulb from blowing. 

Final Thoughts

Frequently replacing bulbs due to blown bulbs is more than just an inconvenience. It can also increase the electrical cost along with possibly dangerous electrical issues.

Hence, it’s essential to understand the reason behind blown bulbs instead of constantly changing the bulbs. And we hope our article has provided the solutions needed for this issue.