should you wipe before using a bidet

Should You Wipe Before Using a Bidet? The Pros And Cons Explained

When it comes to using the toilet, many people are unsure of the proper procedure. Is it necessary to wipe before using a bidet? 

The answer is yes, but there are pros and cons to wiping before using a bidet. 

In this blog post, we’ll detail both sides of the argument and help you decide whether or not you should wipe before using a bidet.

wife before using bidet

What is bidet? Brief History of Bidets

Bidets are toilet devices that use water to clean the user’s body. They have been around for centuries and are now widely accepted as a standard bathroom feature. bidet toilet paper, bidet seats, bidet sprayers – there are a variety of bidet options to choose from. 

A bidet is a plumbing fixture or small sink usually used for washing the genitalia, perineum, inner buttocks, and anus* of the human body, and is usually an attachment to a toilet. 

Bidets are common in many parts of the world, and especially in the Western cultures. The use of bidets is essentially similar to that of a sink, a bathtub, or a shower. In most instances, water is delivered via showers or faucets.

So, what is bidet, and why are they so popular? Let’s take a quick history lesson and explore some of the pros and cons of bidets.

The history of bidet can be traced back in France 1700 A.D. The bidet was first used as a tool to clean the social parts of the body after going to the toilet. And in the 17th century, this bidet tool was also used to clean the rear parts of the body. The name bidet is derived from the French word ‘bit’ which means ‘small horse’.

The first bidet-like contraption was invented in France in 1750. It was a porcelain vessel filled with water and placed under the buttocks to wash them. 

However, the bidet did not become popular until the mid-1800s. It was significantly redesigned then as it was now with a cold water supply, hot water outlet, and nozzle. Nowadays, the bidet is a popular fixture in most modern bathrooms and is used for cleanliness and hygiene.

How to use a bidet?

The bidet is a toilet attachment that is attached to the toilet seat. It has a nozzle similar to the one in a shower. 

The bidet allows for the user to place their bottom on the nozzle so that they may clean themselves after going to the toilet. A bidet has many other names such as washstand, canestra, and douche-pomme.

toilet paper or bidet

A bidet is not complicated to use. It is actually very easy to use. The bidet is connected with a supply of water from the tap and the water is used to wash the parts which nature does not do. 

A bidet uses no toilet paper. The water can be adjusted to get the right temperature for your personal comfort. You simply turn the water on and direct the flow of water to the part of your body you wish to wash. It is just that simple.

Pros and Cons of Wiping Before Using a Bidet

When it comes to bidets, it’s important to know the pros and cons of wiping before using it. The benefits of wiping include preventing bacteria and fungus from growing on the skin, reducing odor, and prolonging the life of toiletry items. 

See also  Are Bidets Really Sanitary? The Debate Rages On!

However, there are also drawbacks to wiping, such as increasing irritation and dryness, causing damage to the surface of the bidet seat, and creating a mess that needs to be cleaned up later. 

So, the final decision comes down to personal preference – some people find it more comfortable to wipe before using a bidet, while others prefer to go without any cleaning at all.

Types of Bidets and Everything You Need to Know

Freestanding bidet

There are two types of bidets – free standing and seated. 

Freestanding bidet is the more popular type as it’s easier to use and less complicated than a seated bidet. It has a spray nozzle that can be turned on or off, and there is also a pressure sensor for adjusting the water pressure accordingly. 

Seated bidet has buttons for turning on/off the spray nozzle and water pressure, but it’s less user-friendly as compared to freestanding bidet.

Handheld bidet

If you’re someone who finds bending down a real pain, handheld bidet might be the perfect solution for you. These devices are easy to use – all you need to do is fill up the water tank with water and press the button to turn it on. Then just squat down and use the nozzle as needed!

using bidet

Although most people find them quite manageable, there are some who find that the nozzle is irritating. If this happens to be your case, it’s best not to use one. Some people also complain about how noisy handheld bidets can get in high-traffic areas.

However, if you take into account all these factors before making your decision, chances are that a handheld bidet will be well worth it!

Built-in bidet

There is no need to wipe after using the toilet – bidets are self-cleaning. In fact, sometimes it can be more hygienic to let the bidet do its job! Some people prefer to wipe down after using the toilet as this gives them a sense of cleanliness and control.

Like with any other appliance, read the specs of your chosen bidet before making a purchase in order to get all its features and functions. Be sure you are getting what you paid for – not every model offers everything that’s advertised!

Warm water bidet

Bidets are a useful toilet cleaning technology that can be used to clean the anus, penis and perineum. Some people believe that wiping before using a bidet is necessary to prevent the spread of infection – but this is still up for debate.

There are two types of bidets – warm water and cold water. The pros and cons of each type are as follows:

Pros of warm water bidets:

– They’re versatile, so you can use them in various settings (bathroom, shower etc.).

– They’re relatively affordable.

– They offer good cleaning performance at a reasonable price point.

Cons of warm water bidets:

– Some people find them too hot or uncomfortable when using them multiple times a day.

To give a detailed kind of each of these bidet types, below are 5 common bidets you can find.

5 Bidets to Choose From

Bidets have been around for centuries and are now becoming increasingly popular. They’re great for hygiene-conscious people, who can use them to clean their genitals, anus, and other areas. 

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But before you jump on the bidet bandwagon, it’s important to know the five types of bidets and their respective benefits and drawbacks. 

Open-air bidets use air pressure to clean your body, while closed-air bidets use water pressure. 

Seatless bidets have a built-in seat, handheld bidets are handheld, and jetted bidets use water pressure and jets of water to clean your whole body.

Finally, there are bidets with both water pressure and jets of water – the latter being more popular these days. 

Here are the 5 most common types of bidet you can find on the market:

1. Ceramic or Stand-Alone Bidets

The first type of bidet most people are familiar with is the standalone unit, which is popular in Europe and Asia. This type of bidet is separate from the toilet and usually sits next to it. It can be mounted on a wall or installed on the floor. Because it doesn’t serve as the toilet, you only use it to clean yourself after using the restroom.

2. Handheld Bidet

The spray-type is a great option for most people as it is easy to use and relatively affordable. It also allows users to have more control over the water pressure and flow direction, which gives users more flexibility. This type of shower head is also easy to install, which is great if you’re looking to do it yourself!

3. Toilet Built-in Bidets

The combo toilet, also known as a bidet toilet, is a bathroom appliance that combines a toilet and bidet in one seamless unit. It typically takes the form of a toilet seat with built-in spray jets angled to help you clean yourself. Modern combo toilets come with updated styling and improved functionality, offering numerous features not available on other types of bidets, such as heated seats or toilet rim, controlled water temperature and pressure, and warm air dryers, to name a few.

4. Portable Portable

Portable bidets are a great option for travelers or those who are always on the go. They’re inexpensive and easy to use, but they may seem a bit weird or awkward for some people. Portable bidets look like water bottles with an extended or angled nozzle at the top for the spray function.

5. Bidet Attachments

Bidet attachments are a common device in many American households. They fit snugly underneath the seat of an existing toilet bowl and are usually more affordable than traditional bidets. While they may lack certain features, such as temperature control, they offer the same health and environmental-friendly benefits.

The type of bidet you choose should be based on your needs – for example, if you’re hygiene-conscious and want to use a bidet regularly, then go for a seatless bidet. However, if you’re just wanting to use it occasionally

Bidets are a great way to clean your nether regions in a comfortable and hygienic way. However, before using one, it’s important to know the pros and cons of each type. Here are the three main types of bidets and their respective pros and cons:

Pressurized bidets use a higher level of water than dual pressure bidets and electronic bidet units to achieve better cleaning results. They are also more reliable, as they don’t require plumbing.

Dual pressure bidets use a moderate amount of water to clean the area being washed. They are less reliable, as they can fail if the water pressure is too low.

Electronic bidet units require no plumbing – they connect directly to the drainpipe in your bathroom wall! They are more expensive than other types of bidets, but their convenience makes them worth it.

Do you need to wipe before using a bidet?

If you’re on the market for a bidet, you may be wondering if wiping before using it is necessary. The answer is it depends. 

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Bidets use water jets to clean the genital area and anus, which is much more effective than using toilet paper. Many people choose to wipe before using a bidet because they believe it’s sanitary. 

toilet paper

However, there is no evidence that wiping before using a bidet actually prevents bacteria or infection from spreading. 

The verdict? It depends! If you’re confident you’re using clean water and your bidet is thoroughly cleaning the area you’re cleaning, go for it!

How do you properly use a bidet?

Bidets are a great way to enjoy cleanliness down below – but it’s important to use them in the right way. If you don’t, your bidet may not function properly and even end up costing you money.

Do use cold water first to shock the area, then warm water for gentle cleaning. 

Don’t use toothpaste, soap or any other kind of scented product – this can damage the bidet’s components. 

Always dry off completely before using the bidet again.

Does a bidet replace wiping?

There is a lot of confusion around bidets – some people believe that you don’t need to wipe before using one, while others feel that it’s always best to do so. 

The truth is, it all comes down to personal preference. Find out what works best for you and stick with it!

Should you use a bidet after peeing?

Bidets are a toilet accessory that can help you clean yourself better than using just water and paper. 

They use pressure and water to clean your privates and rear end, reducing the risk of UTI’s. 

There are pros and cons to using bidets – the major pro is that they’re more hygienic, while con is that some people may experience skin irritation. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference – if you’re comfortable with the risks involved, go for it!

Can a bidet cause an infection?

Bidets are a great way to clean yourself after using the toilet, but there is always the risk of an infection.

If you don’t clean your bidet well enough, it can cause an infection. Make sure that you use soap and water to clean before and after use – this will help keep you healthy and free from any infections.


Bidets are a toilet hygiene device that has been around for centuries. They are used for cleaning the genital area and other areas of the body, such as the anus and vulva. bidets come in various shapes and sizes, with different features. 

Some bidets have warm water jets that can be used to clean the genital area, while others have cold water jets that are perfect for cleaning the anus and vulva. There are also bidets with sprayers that can be used to clean the genital area and anus at the same time. 

So, which bidet should you buy? The answer is that it depends on your needs and preferences.