Some people don’t include their baseboards on their cleaning routine. If you are that person, then you are not alone. Most of us don’t notice how dirty our baseboards are. However, when you take a closer look at your baseboards, you will notice that it has lots of dirt, grime, scratches, and scuff. All of that buildup can leave your previously white baseboards looking yellow and dingy.
However, I have good news for you. These things are cleanable! Baseboard cleaning is not something we look into but they can give you a fresh, clean home. Your family and guests may not notice your clean baseboards but the effect of your baseboards on your home appearance is undeniable.
Here are some of the things that you will need to clean your baseboards:
- Vacuum cleaner
- Duster
- Warm water
- Sponge
- Dish soap
- Distilled white vinegar
- Vegetable oil
- Dryer sheets
Now that you have all you need to clean your baseboards, let us dive in on how it is done! Let us move on!
How To Clean Painted Baseboards?
If your wooden baseboards are painted, you don’t have to treat them with oil. The pain already protects the baseboards from the elements. This also means that you can use more water and pressure when you are cleaning, making your task easier.
First, remove loose dust and dirt from the baseboards.
Second, add dish soap or a gentle all-purpose cleaner to warm water and clean the baseboards with a sponge.
Third, if there are any obstinate stains, a magic erase can help lift them.
Fourth, rinse the cloth with water and wipe down the baseboards to remove soap residue.
Use a dryer sheet to keep your baseboards dust-free.
How To Clean Wood Baseboards?
Stained wood is durable for baseboards. However, it can become warped or discolored if it gets too wet or if it dries out completely. But, you can balance the moisture content of your baseboards with two simple steps:
- Don’t use too much water when cleaning your wooden baseboards.
- Finish the baseboards using oil to lock in moisture.
Before starting, dust or vacuum your wood baseboards then make this following mixture:
- 1 gallon of water
- 4 tablespoons dish soap
- 1 tablespoon mineral oil
Use a sponge or microfiber cloth to clean your wooden baseboards using the cleaning solution. Wring the sponge out well so you don’t get too much water on the wood.
Once your baseboards are clean, use a cloth dampened with clear water to do a final wipe down and remove any soap residue.
For the final step, buff your baseboards with a dry cloth and use a dryer sheet to help repel future dust from settling on your baseboards.
How To Clean Baseboards With A Bad Back?
If you have a bad back or your back hurts when you bend a little, there is nothing worse than spending an extended time hunched over. It can be tricky to know how to clean baseboards without bending your back but it is possible.
- Use a long vacuum attachment to clean dust and dirt without bending your back.
- Use a spray bottle to squirt cleaning solution at your baseboards then use a mop or swiffer baseboard cleaner to wipe and clean your baseboards.
- Baby wipes are fast and effective at picking up dust and leaving baseboards clean if you need to work quickly.
- A handheld steamer with a wand attachment can remove dust and dirt in seconds. Just make sure to mop any condensation afterward.
Different Ways Of Cleaning Baseboards Like A Pro!
I have more tips for you so that you can clean your baseboards like a pro! Here are some helpful tips to clean your baseboards:
First is Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. These versatile and hardworking sponges can clean many things inside your lovely home including your baseboards. All you need is a handful of Magic Erasers and a bucket of warm water. If you have painted baseboards, add dish soap. If you have wooden baseboards, add distilled white vinegar.
Second, you can use brooms and brushes. Sweeping dust from your baseboards with a broom is easy. It will keep you from bending or squatting. Sweep the dust from your baseboards and then sweep the floor beneath.
Third, vacuum cleaner. A handheld vacuum cleaner you can extend down to your baseboards conveniently without bending your back. Start with your vacuum brush attachment and work from the top of the baseboards down.
Final Words
So, these are things you must need to know for you to clean your baseboards like a pro. All you need is to follow the tips I gave you above. I guarantee you that if you do these tips of mine, your baseboards will be very clean and look beautiful.