How Much Does It Cost To Dye Carpet

How Much Does It Cost To Dye Carpet?

Carpet dyeing is a good way to change the color of old, stained, or damaged carpets, but it also comes with its own set of problems. Find out how much it costs to dye carpet before you decide whether you want to do it yourself or hire a professional.

On average, dying a square yard of carpet costs between $1.50 and $2.50. A high-quality job with padding and other extras can cost up to $7 per square yard, but you should be able to find a reputable company that will do the job for just over $5 per square yard if that fits your budget.

Whether you want to dye your carpet yourself or hire a professional, you should have a general idea of the steps involved. In this post, we’ll talk about how much it costs to dye a carpet and how you can do it yourself or hire a pro.

Is It Expensive To Dye A Carpet?

How much it costs to dye carpet depends on what kind of carpet you have and what kind of dye you use. In general, it costs a little bit more than just getting a new carpet.

A new carpet costs between $2 and $3 per square foot, and it usually costs between $1.50 and $2.50 per square foot to dye an old one. It sounds like it costs more, but that’s because most people don’t think about how much it would cost to replace their whole carpet.

If you have a small room or your carpet is more than 10 years old, it may be worth the money to dye it. It’s also better for the environment because it cuts down on the need to make new materials.

Does Carpet Dye Work?

So, does dye really work on carpets? Yes and no is the answer to that question. It depends on why you want to dye your carpet and whom you ask.

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Yes, it works well enough if you want to change the color of a faded or worn-out part of something that has already been installed, as long as you follow the directions carefully and reapply as needed.

But carpet dye won’t work if you want to change the color of a large area, like a bedroom or family room, from one color to another.

Even though it is possible to do so with some success, chances are that one or more shades will be off, making your new floor look a little strange.

The real problem with living rooms and bedrooms is that they have all kinds of weird angles made by the walls, furniture, entertainment units, and curio cabinets. This means that the color, texture, and shading of the carpet in each room has to be chosen carefully.

Even if the room was empty the day before you started re-dying the carpet, it’s likely that one or more colors won’t be exactly right after you finish even a small section of the floor.

If you want to make a big change in design or color scheme, you probably need to replace the whole floor. Try not to get too upset, though, because some colors look great together while others look awful.

Can You Dye An Existing Carpet?

You can definitely change the color of an old carpet, but it will only look good on the surface. A professional carpet cleaner can add a darker shade of the same color to an old carpet or make a new one from scratch.

This service isn’t cheap, and there are a few things you’ll need to think about.

It depends. Professional services start at $200, but the price can go up a lot when you add extras like moving the furniture or replacing the padding under the carpet.

There are cheaper do-it-yourself kits, but they usually only work on smaller areas and take several hours to put together. Also, you’ll have to buy all the colors you need because you can’t buy a whole rainbow.

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If the carpet is more than 10 years old, cleaning products may have given it a color that makes it look very different from how it looked when it was first put in. When this happens, the old carpet is usually replaced with one that matches the new one.

If you want to re-dye an old carpet, you should also think about how dirty it is. If there are big or deep stains on the carpet, they probably won’t come out during the process.

If you only want to touch up and add a few spots of color to your carpet, you can expect to pay less than if you want the whole thing dyed.

Can You Professionally Dye A Carpet?

Most of the time, you can’t dye carpet professionally. This is because there are no carpet dyes that can be bought in stores. Because of the different ways carpets are treated on the outside, they can’t be dyed evenly all the way through.

Things like latex paint, varnish, stain, and polyurethane coating are examples of these. So, if you want to change just one spot on your carpet or rug, you could easily dye the area with “spot remover” dyes, which you can find at craft stores and home centers, and then put a rug pad on top.

Any more than that, though, is pretty hit-or-miss and could hurt the rest of your carpet.

If your carpet is of higher quality, you might want to pay to have it dyed by a professional.

Cheap broadloom carpets and other low-quality carpets can be dyed at home with great results.

You might think about professional death if any of the following are true for you:

  1. You have carpet that goes from wall to wall or covers a large area and don’t want to buy new carpet.
  2. Your budget lets you hire a professional.
  3. You spent a lot of money on your carpet, and you want to keep it in good shape.

Can You Dye A Carpet Yourself?

You can dye your own carpet, but keep in mind that it’s not easy to do and that unless you’ve done it before, the results will likely not be great.

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If you’re looking for a solution to dye your carpet, make sure it doesn’t contain acid or bleach, which can damage your carpet over time.

Should You Hire A Professional?

It depends. If you don’t want to buy new carpet but have a wall-to-wall or other large area of carpet, you might want to pay for professional dying. Most of the time, you can dye low-quality carpets well at home if the following are true:

  1. Your budget lets you hire a professional.
  2. You spent a lot of money on your carpet, and you want to keep it in good shape.
  3. You can buy cheap “spot-remover” dyes at craft stores and home centers if you only have a few spots on your carpet and don’t care about protecting your investment. Then put a rug pad on top of that.
  4. You can also use a darker shade of the same color to dye an old carpet or make a whole new one.
  5. If you just want to touch up your carpet and add a few spots of color, you don’t need to hire a professional.

If you don’t dye your carpet and the stains get too obvious, you might want to buy a new one.

Final Verdict

A great way to make an old carpet look new again is to dye it. You can hire a professional or do it yourself, depending on how much you want to spend and whether or not you have wall-to-wall carpet.

Talk to a professional company about how to dye your carpet if you want to do it. They can help you figure out what kind of carpet dye will work best for you.