Does My Shower Need A Non-Return Valve

Does My Shower Need A Non-Return Valve? Yes Or No?

Non-return valves or check valves are needed in all water pump establishments. They keep the flow steady as long as the pressure is maintained. They are also used in shower hoses to prevent them from sucking the water back to the main supply from water filled tub if left unattended.

Does my shower need a non-return valve? If your shower is linked to the mains directly, non-return valves are required to avoid high-pressure flow from one side of the flow to the other. The valves allow water to flow in one course.

The non-return valve is necessary if you have a mixed tap of hot and cold water and their supply pressure is not stable, and it will stop the hot water and cold water from getting mixed.

Choosing the correct non-return valve is vital to ensure the smooth running of the machinery or gadget it is used in.

Is A Non-Return Valve Necessary?

The non-return valve is also known as the check valve or a retention valve. Non-return valves are devices that stop water from going back into the central column when you turn off the pump. There is a need to stop fluids from returning to prevent damage.

They are mostly set up in devices where the reverse flow will cause problems. They are also helpful in protecting the main machinery from damage by the reverse flow because the storage only allows one-way flow. They are a great choice for wastewater, water, and other pumping operation.

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How Does The Non-Return Valve Work?

They basically work by letting water or medium flow through them in one route, and hence they are also known as one-way valves. A non-return valve or a check valve works depending on the pressure of the flow. It makes sure that the water flows in the proper direction and does not go the wrong way when pressure is low.

Cracking Pressure:  The valves have two openings, one for the water to enter and the other for return. Higher pressure is required on the input side to make the valve work. When there is minimum pressure, the valve opens and allows water to flow.

The upstream pressure at which the valve opens is known as the ‘cracking pressure.’ The cracking pressure desired for the valve to open relies upon the kind and size of the valve. So when you purchase a non-return valve, make sure that the appliance you are going to use the valve will be able to create that cracking pressure needed.

Closing: When the pressure becomes lower than the cracking pressure or the flow tries to move to the inlet from the outlet, the valve closes automatically. The closure method depends on the type of valve. But unlike other valves, they work independently and do not need any person to operate them.

Position: Since the non-return valve works in one way only, it is essential to install it in the correct position. The valve should be installed based on the direction of the flow. If placed in the wrong course, the water will not flow and cause pressure build-up causing damage to the valve and the device.

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What Are The Types Of Non-Return Valves?

There are many types of non-return valves, but they all perform the same. They allow flow to move in a single direction, and thus they are also called one-way valves. Some of the common types of check valves are explained below:

  • Lift Check Valve: It is used when the flow has a high speed and had high-pressure.
  • Stop Check Valve: This valve has two purposes; one is to act as a globe and regulate the flow, and the second is to act as a check valve and prevent reverse flow.
  • Tilting Disc Check Valve: They are primarily used in pumping water or other liquids and to prevent flow back into the system.
  • Swing Check Valve: They are used in power plants, sewage systems, or household items. They are mostly used in toilet tanks for water flow and to prevent reverse flow.
  • Vertical or InLine Check Valve: These types of valves can be either used horizontally or vertically. It can be used where flow is rhythmic. They are small in size and thus can be used in small areas.

Why Should You Use A Non-Return Valve?

There are many advantages of using a check valve; its main advantage is its ability to block the reverse flow of water. They can also handle both high and low pressure and control the flow of water or any other medium.

Check valves are versatile and can be positioned horizontally as well as vertically. It provides protection against sudden valve failure. It is economical and easy to install, and its maintenance is low cost. They are also very small and easy to handle because they do not have many parts, thus also making them portable.

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One best advantage of using a check valve is it does not use any electricity to function, or no other person is required for it to work. Just maintain and keep checking for any leakage or damage, and your check valve is good to go.


Check valves are mostly required in systems where there is a need to make sure liquid flow only in one direction. In short, they are used for maintaining the flow of gases or liquid.

There are different types and sizes of check valves or non-return valves depending on the gadget to be used on. You can choose from a variety of check valves based on where you plan to use them.

Before you buy a non-return valve, keep in mind the type of fluid it will carry, the location, pressure of the liquid, position, whether horizontal or vertical, and the cost.

Check valves can be pretty noisy sometimes, but you can cover up the sound by changing your old valve with a soft or a silent check valve. They are reasonable and prevent wastage by protecting the machinery, and they are also a practical, low-cost, and simple solution to pressure flow.