10 Tips To Clean Your Bedroom Properly

10 Tips To Clean Your Bedroom Properly! (Easy And Effective Guide)

All houses have bedrooms. I have a bedroom and I love my bedroom. That is why I love cleaning and decorating my bedroom so that I can stay and sleep inside my bedroom comfortably. 

We all want our bedroom to be clean because if our bedroom is dirty or has lots of dust, it is annoying and not comfortable to sleep. Also, having a dirty bedroom causes some health risks. Having a dirty room can make you sick. 

Now I think you are reading this because you need tips to clean your bedroom. You will not be here if you don’t. Right? So, here are 10 simple tips that you can use so that your bedroom will always feel and look clean. Let us check them out!

1. Make Your Bed Every Day

So, the first thing to make your bedroom clean is to make your bed every day. 

This is where you sleep! That is why making your bed clean and neat every time after you sleep, will make your bedroom feel and look clean. 

 I know that this can be hard, especially if you are a lazy person. However, if you start making it as a morning routine, you will get used to it. So start making your bed now!

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2. Put Away Your Dirty Clothes Daily

Next tip is to put away your dirty clothes daily! Your dirty clothes will make your bedroom look dirty if there are lots of your dirty clothes piling up. 

Laundry can be a constant battle at home, especially in busy homes. Do your best to keep your dirty clothes picked up and be put inside the washing machine. 

It is not just dirty clothes that are piled up that make your bedroom look dirty. Your clean clothes as well! 

If your clothes are already dry, fold it up immediately and put it inside your drawer. Avoid piling up your clean clothes on your bed or chair because it will make your bedroom look dirty and it will also might make your clean clothes dirty again!

3. Open Your Blinds

Next is opening your blinds. Keeping the blinds open will make your room feel brighter and in turn, cleaner!

It is essential to make it a habit to open your blinds every morning. It is the best way to start your day after you wake up! The sun will give you energy to rise up in the morning. 

4. Change Your Sheets Weekly

I usually clean my sheets every friday each week. Keeping a consistent routine is a great way to remember when to do this. 

I know that it can be frustrating to change your sheets weekly, especially if you are a lazy person. However, it is better to make it a routine rather than making your bedroom look and feel dirty.

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I was very lazy changing my sheets weekly because I was still naive before. But since I realized that it makes my bedroom smelly and dirty, I started to make it a routine. 

5. Clean Off Night Stand Daily

Your bedroom should be calm and relaxing. Take a moment to clear off anything that might have landed on your nightstand as this is a space that will be staring at you when you are lying in your bed. 

6. Clean Your Bedroom Mirrors Or Glasses

Next, you clean your bedroom mirrors or glasses. It is essential to clean your bedroom mirrors or glasses. 

One time weekly is plenty for cleaning your bedroom mirrors and glasses. Make time to clean your bedroom mirrors or glasses because it can make your bedroom look clean and shiny. 

7. Dust Weekly

A clean, and dust free bedroom is a must if you like to sleep comfy. Whenever I dust, I do this first in the morning. I first open my blinds and make my bed then dust my bedroom. 

I have lots of furniture inside my bedroom. I have a bookshelf, computer table, and more. I just typically wipe down our bedroom furniture with a slightly dampened cloth. 

8. Vacuum Or Sweep Weekly

Next, you should vacuum or sweep your bedroom weekly. Depending on the type of flooring you have, vacuum or sweep your bedroom floors weekly. 

However, for me, I usually sweep or vacuum my bedroom three times a week. For the dust that I cannot reach using a sweeper, I use a vacuum. If the dust is in the corner, use a vacuum to get it. 

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9. Remove Unnecessary Things Inside Your Bedroom

Next is to remove unnecessary things inside your bedroom. Things that seem unnecessary inside your bedroom must be removed because it can make your bedroom look dirty or not neat. 

Things like a broken battery, charger, books, papers that are on the floor, and other things that can make your room look dirty, remove it away from your bedroom. 

10. Close Your Drawer When Not Used

Lastly, you close your drawer when not used. After getting your clothes or putting your clean clothes inside the drawer, close it immediately. It will make your clothes dirty or full of dust if you forget to close it. 

Final Words

I hope that you learn lots of things in today’s article. I hope that you do the tips I told you because I guarantee you, it will make your bedroom cleaner. So, thank you so much for joining me today! Have a happy cleaning!